My Blog Traffic Experiment

I’ve decided to run a little experiment.

For 1 month, I am going to follow a list of recommended tips to drive traffic to my blog.

You can’t click on a page or link these days without someone telling you “Social Media” is essential in today’s communication. I agree it’s incredibly valuable on a personal level, but what about it’s use in business? With so many voices out there who’ve been publishing their thoughts and opinions long before I started, I’m wondering how much value there is in starting now. I’m a small business owner, my time is limited, therefore whatever I decide to dedicate time to needs to be valuable.

One blog in particular has kept popping up these last 2 months, Brian Hoff”s How To Drive Traffic To Your New Design Blog. Over and over it has been sent to me or ReTweeted. I’d read it initially, but being new to it all, I had only skimmed it. I decided to revisit Brian’s article and an idea was born.

I’ll dedicate time every night for 1 month, following TDC‘s suggestions along with a couple other technical ones  and track the results. Even better, I’ll blog about it and post the outcomes!


Drive traffic to my blog, generate interest and conversation with my blog entries.

How it will work

  1. I will run the experiment for one month.
  2. I will post daily on what I did, what worked, didn’t work, difficulties and adjustments made along the way.
  3. I will post links to the resources I used.
  4. I will track my traffic generated to my blog and post results during the month.
  5. With the exception of 3 days of initial set up. I will do all social media off “paid” work hours.

It’s all so much, I doubt I will be able to get through all of Brian’s suggestions, but with a month of dedicated time I think I should be able to make a strong go of it. Even though not everyone reading this blog will have a “design blog”, by posting everything I’m doing I hope to help anyone who is struggling with the rather steep learning curve that Social Media literacy involves.

I have no idea how this will work out, but I’m a strong believer in “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.”
So, here I go, wish me luck!

Favorite “How to drive Blog Traffic” Resources Used:

  1. Brian Hoff’s TDC:
  2. Seth Godin: . Some of it is contradictive, but so is social media…
  3. Easy Viral Traffic: lots on simple technical details to help the search engines along.

Note: To all readers, if there is a resource you would like to suggest or you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or contact me by email. (info “at” Many Thanks!

10 responses to “My Blog Traffic Experiment

  1. Great traffic generator.
    Thanks for opening up the possibilities for us Blogger Nubies.

  2. I really admire your entrepreneurial spirit. I am also thnkful that you are offering to allow others to learn from your experience and hard work.

  3. Excellent idea.
    Can I hire you to do my blog 🙂
    I am looking forward to your seminar and any additional information that you gather.
    Working with you is always amazing.

  4. I can appreciate that many people value the social aspect of blogs, but I like the fact that you are assessing & testing it’s impact on business.

  5. If anyone ever doubts the added value of face-to-face networking and referral marketing they only need to read the above comments. I truly appreciate the support of all my Corporate BNI members!
    (and no Sean, I don’t do blog design…yet 🙂

  6. wow..this what i need to increase my blog traffic..thanks for the article

  7. Renee
    Great idea, I too do branding and marketing…can’t wait to see how it works for you.

  8. Welcome to the world of blogging Renee! Looking forward to reading the rest of your posts.


  9. Pingback: Blog Traffic Experiment, Day 12. Holy Moly LinkedIn! « Renée's Head Space

  10. After attending your session on the 28th for Social Media Renee, I have a greater appreciation for what you are doing here. Blaze a trail for the “blog virgins” out there. I know you will benefit from the experiment just as the rest of us in your “social network” will.

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